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Veterinary Treatment of Pigs
- Publisher
CABI - Published
14th March 2014 - ISBN 9781780641720
- Language English
- Pages 192 pp.
- Size 6.25" x 9.5"
- Images b/w photos
Written from a practitioner’s viewpoint, this book covers the everyday veterinary care and treatment of pigs for the large animal veterinarian. Beginning with basic husbandry, maintenance and nutrition, the book then moves on to diagnosing conditions, the necessary equipment and medicines in a veterinarian’s arsenal and different treatment options, before describing diseases by body system to create an easy-to-use, practical guide to pig treatment.
Equally suitable for veterinarians, veterinary students and pig industry personnel, this book takes a worldwide approach covering notifiable diseases as laid out by the OIE, poisons and diseases beyond the UK and a full chapter on the dangers and control strategies of zoonotic diseases.
1. Animal Husbandry
2. Nutrition
3. Making a Diagnosis and Post Mortem Technique
4. Veterinary Equipment
5. Vaccines
6. Sedation, Analgesia, Anaesthesia and Euthanasia
7. Surgical Procedures
8. Diseases of the Gastroenteric System
9. Diseases of the Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
10. Diseases of the Urino-genital System
11. Diseases of the Neurological System
12. Diseases of the Skin
13. Multisystemic Diseases
14. Notifiable Diseases
15. Poisons and Causes of Sudden Death
16. Zoonotic Diseases
Appendix 1: Veterinary Medicines