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Poisonous to Pets
Plants Poisonous to Dogs and Cats
- Publisher
CSIRO Publishing - Published
8th June 2011 - ISBN 9780980634808
- Language English
- Pages 336 pp.
- Size 6" x 9"
- Images color photos
* Quick guide to prevention and treatment
* Large color photographs showing leaves, flowers and fruit
* Plants are classified into irritant, allergenic, poisonous and very poisonous
* Includes a horticultural glossary
* Separate common and scientific plant name indexes
This highly illustrated, full-color book allows rapid access to visual and written information about plants that are poisonous to cats and dogs. It enables owners to identify the dangerous plant and know what to do if their pet is poisoned.
The book outlines potential toxicity to pets by categorizing the plants into four levels, with each toxic level identified by colors found on the edge of each page. However, prevention is better than cure, and the information in this book also helps pet owners and garden designers "poison proof" the home and garden.
Each plant description includes: botanical name, common name, scientific plant family, signs of toxicity in the animal, the first point of call for treatment, a brief description of the plant, geographic location, plant habitat, toxic parts, how poisoning occurs and toxic principles.
About the author
Toxic plants: A-Z
Plant listings