CABI is pleased to offer HSVMA members a discount to support the work of the HSVMA. With more than 100 years of scientific research, CABI’s publishing brings together knowledge, information and evidence based research to help researchers and practitioners complete their academic and professional development. CABI supports study, practice and development across the applied life sciences through books, eBooks, compendia and online resources, including our world renowned CAB Abstracts and Global Health.
Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates
Their Development and Transmission
- Publisher
CABI - Published
8th February 2000 - ISBN 9780851994215
- Language English
- Pages 672 pp.
- Size 6.875" x 9.75"
This well illustrated book provides an historical and unified overview of a century and a half of research on the development, life cycles, transmission and evolution of the nematodes found in vertebrates throughout the world. This second, expanded edition includes relevant data from some 450 new references that have appeared from 1989 to 1999. The volume includes nematode parasites of humans, domestic animals and wildlife including fish. After an introductory chapter outlining general principles, the author systematically describes the biological characteristics of the 27 superfamilies of nematodes, followed by families, subfamilies, genera and species.
"This book would prove fascinating reading for those interested in the scientific data and informational presentations associated with parasitology."
Dr. Oreta M. Samples, DHSc, MPH, VT - , VSPN