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Radiology of Australian Mammals

September 2015
More details
  • Publisher
    CSIRO Publishing
  • Published
    16th September 2015
  • ISBN 9780643108646
  • Language English
  • Pages 320 pp.
  • Size 8.25" x 10.5"
  • Images photos

Interest in the conservation and welfare of Australian native wildlife continues to grow. Veterinarians are now frequently asked to treat these animals and there is increasing veterinary involvement in conservation programs for threatened and endangered species. In Australia and overseas, Australian mammals are used in research, kept as pets and are popular display animals in zoos and fauna parks.

This book gives a detailed account of the unique radiographic anatomy of Australian mammals. It provides veterinary practitioners and zoologists with descriptions and images of normal radiographic anatomy, which will be valuable in the study of these animals and assist with the diagnosis of injury and disease – knowing what is normal is essential in order to recognize what is abnormal.

A discussion of the importance of radiographic technique, covering restraint and positioning of the animal to obtain diagnostic images, is followed by chapters describing the normal radiographic anatomy of short-beaked echidnas, platypus, macropods, koalas, wombats, dasyurids, possums and gliders, bandicoots and the bilby, and bats. Each chapter includes a detailed description of anatomy relevant to radiography and multiple images of normal radiographs with outlines and annotations highlighting structures and organs. Radiology of Australian Mammals also includes a chapter on dental radiology as well as radiographic pathology case studies describing common diseases and injuries that can be readily diagnosed on radiographs, which will assist veterinary practitioners in making diagnoses in their patients. A checklist of the mammals of Australia and their territories and a glossary of abbreviations and terms used for the annotation of images complete the volume.

1 Radiographic technique
2 Short-beaked echidna
3 Platypus
4 Macropods (potoroids and macropodids)
5 Koala (co-authored by Dr Susan Hemsley)
6 Wombats
7 Dasyurids
8 Possums and gliders
9 Bandicoots and Bilby
10 Bats
11 Dental radiology (Nadine Fiani)
12 Radiographic pathology case studies (Frances Hulst, Graeme Allan, Larry Vogelnest)

Appendix 1 A checklist of the mammals of Australia and its territories (Paul Andrew)

Larry Vogelnest

Larry Vogelnest graduated from the University of Sydney in 1984. He has worked as a zoo and wildlife veterinarian with the Taronga Conservation Society Australia since 1990 and has been Senior Veterinarian at Taronga Zoo since 1994. He is a member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Zoo Medicine. He is Principal Editor of Medicine of Australian Mammals, CSIRO Publishing (2008) and author and co-author on several chapters. He is Principal Author of Radiology of Australian Mammals, CSIRO Publishing (2015). In 2009 he was awarded an Australian Public Service Medal for his contribution to conservation medicine and service to the Taronga Conservation Society Australia.

Graeme Allan

Graeme Allan is published widely in the veterinary literature. He has been a faculty member at the Veterinary Faculty at the University of Sydney and in 1999, was appointed Adjunct Professor of Veterinary Science within the Faculty. In 2012, he was awarded a DVSc by the University of Sydney after examination of his thesis entitled "Radiological Studies of Diseases in Companion and Zoo Animals".