Jawwad A. Qureshi


Dr. Jawwad A. Qureshi is Assistant Professor of Horticultural Entomology at University of Florida/IFAS, Entomology and Nematology Department, Indian River Research and Education Center, Fort Pierce, Florida. He has worked on citrus pest management, particularly Asian citrus psyllid, for more than 10 years developing tools and tactics needed for sustainable production systems. His tap sampling method and work on the dormant winter sprays of broad spectrum insecticides were adapted by industry as part of area-wide psyllid management programs. Dr. Qureshi also served as Team Leader for The Center of Agriculture and Biosciences International and earned his doctorate at Kansas State University. He was named Entomologist of the Year by Florida Entomological Society and received other national and international awards. He works in fruits, vegetables and field crops and teaches and mentors graduate students. He has published 2 book chapters, 50 refereed research articles and more than 100 extension, outreach and industry articles.

Author's Books

Asian Citrus Psyllid

Biology, Ecology and Management of the Huanglongbing Vector
