Ashok K. Mishra


Ashok K. Mishra is Kemper and Ethel Marley Foundation Chair in Food Management, Morrison School of Agribusiness, W. P. Carey School of Business, at the Arizona State University, where he conducts research and teaching activities in public policy, finance, agribusiness, and food security. He assumed a leadership role in the agricultural economics profession by serving as either an editor and/or associate editor for six journals in addition to service work for the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA). He has presented his work to non-academics such as USDA Secretary, OECD, National Public Policy Education Committee, the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board, and key policymakers from the Office of Management and Budget, Council of Economic Advisors. Mishra received a Ph.D. in Economics at North Carolina State University in 1996. Previously he has held positions at Louisiana State University, and the Economic Research Service of the USDA. His international work is in collaboration with IFPRI, IRRI, CIMMYT and ICRISAT. Ashok is Fellow of AAEA (2022); Fellow of WAEA (2020); Fellow of NAREA (2013). 2022 Fellow, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), India.

Author's Books

Managing Risk in Agriculture

A Development Perspective
